Where are you now and how did you get here?
DDP is 15 years old. It's running itself, which is great. I've not only helped clients get ahead of it to an half thousand clients by property, doubled, tripled their wealth over that time. But more importantly, I think what really gets me ticking is actually over help my staff get ahead. And I think I got a kick out of it. So where I am now is actually wanting to see others succeed.
And where I started was wanting to see my clients succeed. And that continues. but it's actually now to see my staff succeed and a bigger part of the journey is actually to see others succeed and succeed in what is,
I think it's just coming back to getting ahead and getting ahead is different for different people. A lot of people think it's actually about financial wealth and all of that, but it actually comes to what you truly want and what you're passionate about and finding ways for people, you know, to remove those usually mental obstacles and getting ahead.