About 15 years ago you mentioned that you didn't like purchasing off-the-plan apartments or brand new homes What has changed off -the -plan apartment comes back to your risk profile your financial situation and where the market is at So if you're buying an off -the -plan property That's not yet being built and you're at the peak of the market The chances are that valuation of that property or that apartment when it's built a year or two years later could go down And that was my reservation when I wrote my my book about not buying off the plan apartments because my strategy back then was that rather than creating equity in building a home, let's create equity or create wealth in buying a Rundan house and renovating it. I also found out that as much as my strategy was correct, there are still actually other strategies because at every one point, an apartment was off the plan at some point. And every home that is now an old home 50 years old. was a brand new home so somebody did make money and it would have been also the person that originally bought it.