Should you buy an apartment as an investment?
An apartment is a great investment depending on the location in terms of jobs, industries, and population. If you end up buying an apartment,
Let's say in Sydney, inner suburbs, Melbourne, inner suburbs, Brisbane, inner suburbs, or even Perth's inner suburbs, that would make sense. Because if you look at the stats behind that, you'll see that apartments do well, or even better than houses, depending on the area. But if you're going to go, say, 200, 300 kilometers out, when there's so much land to be bought. bought and you end up buying an apartment, that wouldn't make sense. I mean, let's say someone's only got about $25,000, $30,000 in their bank and an apartment depending on the price and the location is the only way to get in. Well, why not? Because it's not about the look of it.
It's not about the type of property. It's not about the strata. It's about what is the return and the rent you're going to get out of it. And if that is the only capital you have an apartment is a choice as long as you've done your research with the historic growth to figure out what the future might look like.
Yes, most definitely, why not?