The biggest real estate opportunity in 2024 is actually to become a buyer's agent. If you compare Australia to the US where there are actually more buying agents than real estate selling agents, there's probably one to two percent of buying agents compared to the number of real estate selling agents there is in Australia. The culture of the real estate industry is finally changing.
DDP, when it started 13 years ago, we were one of the few buyer's agents. And now I can see there are more and more buying agents of people doing buys agents in courses of starting buys. agents and companies. And I'm very happy to see that because buyers need to be represented and there needs to be somewhat of a balance between selling agents and buying agents.
And knowing there's only one to two percent of buys agents compared to say 400,000 selling agents there are in Australia, that is the biggest opportunity I see in the property market property industry is for you to become a buys agent.